Topic: Regulation
Subscribe to RegulationRevised Product Liability Directive (introducing rules on strict liability for AI and other software) entered in the EU's statute book
November 26, 2024
Directive (EU) 2024/2853 on liability for defective products (the Revised Product Liability Directive) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 18 November 2024.
Tech M&A Outlook: Investment and regulatory trends
October 08, 2024
Earlier this year we looked at trends in M&A investment in the technology sector, highlighting the TMT sector was the best performing sector in 2023 in terms of deal value and volume. The sector has remained fairly subdued this year, but are there signs this could be changing? We explore with our colleagues in the UK, Europe and China the outlook for the sector in their regions, and the impact of regulation on M&A investment in the tech sector.
An overview of the European digital strategy
September 26, 2023
We have published an article, EU: An overview of the European digital strategy, explaining the aims and key components of the EU digital strategy, outlining at a high-level key legislation that has been published in this space in the past three years and highlighting the way in which the various legislative instruments interact with each other and with European data privacy rules.
Web 4.0 and virtual worlds: The next frontier
August 31, 2023
As public awareness of Web 3.0, the metaverse and other associated technologies increases, there is further pressure on governments, businesses and regulatory bodies to keep abreast of both the possibilities and the risks of these new worlds.
The new Influencer marketing French law: from #LOL to #Advertising
August 30, 2023
Influence and content creation have revolutionized the approach to marketing. In the absence of specific regulations applicable to this new form of advertising, influence marketing has been - until now - solely governed by existing law, in particular advertising law and consumer law.
AI, machine learning and big data laws and regulations 2023
June 23, 2023
The usage and adoption of artificial intelligence (which refer to broadly herein to also include the application of AI to analytics of large data sets and in the context of machine learning (which includes the subsets of ML operations and deep learning)) has increased significantly over the past few years.
European digital and cyber regulation: Are you prepared?
June 09, 2023
In 2020, the European Commission published its central digital policy document “Shaping Europe’s Digital Future” which outlined its digital strategy for the next five years.
A new approach to referrals under the EU Merger Regulation
September 27, 2022
The European Commission (along with the US FTC and DOJ, UK CMA, German FCO and others), has been focused on ensuring that so-called “killer acquisitions” in the digital and life sciences sectors are reviewed. Against this background, the General Court’s decision in Illumina/Grail is of key importance to companies acquiring start-ups.
EU Vehicle Data Consultation and the evolving EU regulatory landscape for connected vehicles
April 12, 2022
In the coming years, data collected by vehicles will be subject to a new EU regulatory regime consisting of horizontal rules applicable across many industries and vertical rules designed specifically for the automotive sector.
UK proposes rules to protect against anonymous online trolls
March 18, 2022
The UK Government has added two new duties to the proposed Online Safety Bill (the Bill) that are aimed at protecting people against anonymous online abuse.